As I told you some day ago the Day is approaching very quicly.
I've been down in the lab (my kitchen) for the last two weeks squeezing and studying the new Websphere Portal 6.1 and it's use with Lotus Domino.
At Dominopoint Day I'll be doing a LIVE presentation of how Websphere Portal can be used in pair with domino to achieve great results.
I'll show some nice things IBM has been kooking for us and that so far just a few understood and used productively.
The ingredients in the recipe will be
- Application integration: Web Application Integrator: Place portal around any application
- Application integration: Websphere portlet factory: Quickly develop portlets and composite applications components
- Application integration: iWidget portlet + domino iWidget: Transform a simple domino form into a fully functional application
- Application integration: Portal on Sharepoint: Tame the beast and bring it back to order (Put Portal around sharepoint)
- Application integration: Sametime & Quickr with portal : Make it all work as one
- Portlets for the notes client: Deploy portlets made for portal into the notes client (AKA let's SOA)
- Much more
In order to achieve this I've been building a full featured portal that I'll bring on stage for people to see. No more slides this time.
I hope the audience will like this.
In the meantime you can take a look at the presentation I did in June at ILUG 2008
Comments (2)
Daniele Vistalli October 3rd, 2008 06:36:43