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As you know, yesterday I installed Quickr 8.1 services for Lotus Domino. After a day using it in real world here's my experience.

What's "too good"

  • Domino 8.0.1 allows compression of document bodies... Results are going to be impressive

What's good

  • The "One Blue" theme rocks, well designed, light and blazingly fast compared to the 8.0.x themes. (mostly due to the upgrade from dojo 0.4.x to dojo 1.x)
  • Upgrade worked pretty well (read my post about the update)
  • Quickr Entry is finally available and integrated in the "Files" tab of the Quickr homepage (personal file sharing)
  • Quickr 8.1 can be connected to a Lotus Connections server and integrate the "Profiles" service making all user names live.
  • Notes integration works like a charm, the sidebar plugin is fast and intuitive.
  • Outlook integration is very good also, Lotus created a "task pane" component that extends my Outlook client interface. I suspect more stuff will land in this pane sooner or later (think of it as a sort of notes 8.x sidebar for Outlook)
  • Desktop integration is as good as it was before
  • The preferences / sites management dialog as been improved/extended and now all the settings are defined in a single place.
  • I'm happy about connectors finally behaving well when the client machine has to go trough a proxy (explicit or configured trough proxy autoconfiguration), it works now. In I had troubles with this.
  • The new "place administration" area allow you to easily manage place policies/locking and so on. It's a start on the right direction. Hope to see it expanding soon.

What's not so good

  • In order to update connectors the user is required to uninstall, reboot, reinstall. (and lose all configured sites, be sure to check in all your documents before losing them)
  • The files (quickr entry) feature allows to lookup users from you directory, even when not logged in.  This is to me a security risk. I will check if qpconfig.xml allows for some "security enforcement"
  • Snapps templates are not yet ready for 8.1

What's bad

  • I've looked around, nobody said a word about it. The question is "what about Quickr Entry on linux ?". Quickr entry is available to all entitled notes users, but if your server is running on linux I'm pretty sure you're not getting you extra goodie. Is the truth different ?
  • I've found a small but annoying bug in all the connectors. When you access an HTTPS secured place and click a document/folder to open it in a browser the generated link is wrong. Even if your using https:// the connector adds a ":80" suffix making HTTPS urls unusable. Lotus please fix this "FAST" and.. "More testing please"
  • No documentation yet. The product is out, no documentation is included or available on the web, yet...

That's all for now. Have I missed something (for sure)

Comments (6)
Daniele Vistalli March 28th, 2008 18:59:56