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What a day...

My blog / webiste is now running on domino 8.5 (on OpenSuse Linux 10.1)
My client is now running Notes 8.5 (on Windows XP)
I updated Sympony to 1.0 (and I'll use it at ILUG)
I've not yet downloaded Foundations 1.0 but I'll do as I'm back from ILUG 2008.

And I still have to upgrade connections 2.0 to beta 3 to prepare for Connectr#4 in Dublin. IBM is making my day busy today ;) And I love it.


I just have had the time for a quick look at the new domino designer based on Eclipse .... It's rocking and domino development is going to be different, forever. I'll tell you why very soon (but I'm sure you're guessing it already).

So.. great work IBM, thank you.

Now I'm just waiting for Connections 2.0 and Portal 6.1 gold releases ....

Comments (7)
Daniele Vistalli May 30th, 2008 19:52:27