Yesterday was the day, at our italian IBM Headquarter everything was set for the official launch of Lotus Foundations Start in the partner community.
The IBM / Lotus team did a great job they prepared a great "presentation" involving our local team and Ozzy Papic (founder of Net Integration Technologys), now IBM WW Small Business manager.
A couple of great things about the launch.
1° Talk with business partners
The show was about introducing Lotus Foundations to Business Partners and convincing them it's a viable solution. For weeks IBM has been collecting trough the community (mainly on a number of question and potential doubts about the new product in the Lotus family. They sorted those out and during the presentation we had Davide Pannuto and Eugenio Barozzi on stage in the roles of "the IBM person" and "the Partner person" respectively.
Eugenio kept asking for questions about the product, Davide kept answering to those questions with details on Lotus foundations inner working, positioning and value for partners.
Among the question you would find:
- Can I trust a 1.0 product (yes, it's 1.0 for IBM but it's the 6th generation of Nitix technology)
- Which customer size can I address with Lotus foundations (you can address anybody from 5 to 150+ users company)
- What about our "italian speaking" customers, is this an english product ? (no, it's being localized by July 31 in 14 languages. everything is being localized)
- Can partners add value ? (for sure !!! an ISV kit is coming to create partner packages with more to come over time)
- What's in Foundations ? (a lot, firewall, vpn, file server/domain controller, antivirus, antispam, web serving with a full LAMP stack, domino, a GREAT autonomic engine to keep things running, advanced disaster recovery and much more)
- More and more subtle partner questions ...
2° Compare and compete with the cometition (namely Microsoft SBS)
A new approach was shown yesterday !!! Compare head to head with the competition. We've seen on screen a few technotes from Microsoft Technet discussing the complexity of installation, maintenance, backup and recovery of Microsoft Small Business Server.
Based on these FACTS (it's Microsoft knowledge base, isn't it) they did a quite detailed comparison in the areas of:
- Installation of the product (number of CDs needed, prerequisites, time it takes to you to install a working server)
- Maintenace (management of patches, updates, ordinary usage)
- Backup (Foundations IDB vs Microsoft backup)
- Disaster Recovery (Foundations IDB restore is Killer here, there's no technology in the market that can do this, I'll cover this in future posts)
In the end it was quite clear that Foundations has a number of advantages over Microsoft SBS in terms of how you install, deploy and survive to disasters compared to mcirosoft SBS,
3° We're not joking, this is real
One of the most interesting part was the show run by Ozzy Papic, during the event he started with a clean IBM System x3400 and in 28 minutes he installed on-stage a fully working Lotus Foundations Core (the base OS) + Lotus Foundation Start (the domino service).
The setup was interesting:
The server had two network connections, 1 to the internet 1 for the lan. On the lan side Ozzie connected his own notebook (can you guess ? a Mac).
The server booted with the Foundations CD in it. Quick setup of the IP addres, enable dhcp ... we're done. The server is now connected to the internet connection and ready to serve the administrator in the LAN.
Fire up a browser ... point to the server over HTTPS on port 8043, accept a bunch of license agreement and you're done, you can start administering your new server, on the web, no command line required.
The show moved over, deploying the Domino and Damo client to the server, installing thos clients on a notebook was a child paly. At minute 46 in the presentation the server was ready, installed on disk, with Domino completely setup and with a Notes and Outlook + DAMO clients working on the demo notebook.
This is not black magic, is smart technology.
Finally just to excite a bit more the audience the last trick. Ozzy got the list of the audience names and created 200 Lotus Foundations users in a snap just by pasting the list in the "import users" textbox.
It's 200 users in 30 seconds... this is GREAT.
Summing up
The event was great, the audience undestood very well the message and was happy. I was also showcasing a Foundations solution at our Avnet booth with a foundations server, 2 clients, a network scanner feeding documents inside a set of domino dbs on the server and a few PHP applications deployed right inside the Foundations server (Drupal, SugarCRM and phpBB3).
It was a great day and more is coming soon from the foundations line. Get ready to have fun (and sell a lot).
See you next time
Comments (3)
Daniele Vistalli July 15th, 2008 05:18:50