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Image:How to get a Lotus Foundations activation key for Partnerworld Members (value package is required)

I've been waiting for this for a couple of week now.

After Lotus Foundations has been launched I've been instructed that IBM Business Partners with a current Value Package subscription would have access to a no-charge activation key for Lotus Foundations.

The process is very simple, you as a partner log in to Partnerworld for software ( ) and head over for the SAC (Software Access Catalog), in the lefthand navigation menu you find the new link I highlighted in the screenshot, click that, fillup the form and you're done.

You'll get a valid foundations key for your internal use. I know for sure that in this key the antivirus/antispam services are disabled (it would cost too much to IBM to pay for all the subscriptions for partners) but it actually removes your 30 day trial limit and allows for use/better study. A thing I don't know as of today is how many users are entitled in the activation key. I'll post an update as soon as I get the key.

More stuff for those who don't know "Lotus Foundations"

Comments (2)
Daniele Vistalli July 26th, 2008 06:43:36