Once again (for the second year in a row) we're almost there.
After the huge success of last year edition (you can see numbers here) with mor than 260 attending participants (all italians) the Dominopoint.it team is doing it again.
On October 10 the second iteration of the Dominopoint Day will be held in Milan at the Star Hotel Business Palace. Once again will be time for fun and a huge learning experience.
For sure the community will be there (317 registered attendees and counting) eager to get new insights from our speakers with sessions about:
- Domino and DB2 and... AS400 integration (federation using NSFDB2) with our friend DominoBaloney and Vincenzo from Zoolotus.org
- Lotus Traveler with an eye on iPhone and the future of Domino 8.5 held by Roberto Boccadoro
- Lotus Quickr in real life! with Giorgio Blangetti coming back to tell what happens when you really use Quickr in your company
- 40 suggestments on improving notes application performance with our guest speaker Jamie Magee
- Dojo Toolkit, how to take advantage of it in domino applications with Daniele Grillo
- Setting up and integrating Domino and Sametime with an eye on Sametime links in Domino Web Access. A new entry here: Marianna Tomasatti, please welcome her.
- Websphere Portal e Domino: "I want to believe" or ... smashing miths about portal (in a new way). This my own session. And I think I'll have a follow up on this.
- NSD, your guide when the server crashes. with Fabio Pignatti
- Symphony in Domino re. Our expert Fabrizio Marchesano is going to show how to take advantage of the new Symphony product and components included in our Notes client.
- Domino Google Like Mail: the story of an innovative experience. The creators of this little piece of technology are going to explain how it worked from the idea to the creation of this great product.
- Lotus Foundations, "indeed in a deep mystery": Here my friend Enzo Stanzione is going to introduce the audience to the huge advantages of Lotus Foundations for smaller companies. Foundations deserves a lot of attention in italy. Enzo will explain why.
We'll also have spsonsor sessions and sponsors must know that there is still some open slot for them. If you're a domino solution provide and want to sponsor the event you can contact the Dominopoint.it team over at http://www.dominopoint.it.
If you can understand italian... come here and visit us on october 10. It's going to be even better than last year.
See you there
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Daniele Vistalli September 25th, 2008 07:22:18