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On Thursday November 13 2009 the Italian Lotus Community gathered once again under the flag.

The venue this year was located in the Italian IBM headquarters. Many were worried about "rules" that could be imposed on us presenters but this actually didn't happen. We got complete freedom of "expression" and nobody complained about anything.

This year (for the third time) the number of attendees increased. If you check out the conference website ( you'll see that 571 people registerd.
Unofficial information confirms that more than 400 people faced up and stayed all day long at the event. I'm looking forward to official numbers soon this week. This is an awesome number for an european Lotus only event. If you also consider that being held in italian as a spoken language our target was "limited" this is ultra-awesome... more than 400 people attended from Italy only with a few coming from abroad and two international speakers (more later) participating in the event.

I was participating with a session about using Lotus products in Web 2.0 mashups. I'm looking forward to extend an tranlsate my presentation next week and share it on slideshare. I'll post an update when it's ready.

Also I was guest of Lotus' own presentation on Lotus Connections 2.5. Elena Sangalli (Lotus Technical Presale) held a great presentation and LIVE DEMO (the most risky thing you can do at an event) about all the integrations and plugins that Lotus Connections 2.5 offers to users out of the box. I completed the session with a show about how you can "customized & extend" Lotus Connections using APIs and extension points (eg. using Domino 8.5.1 iWidgets to extend the connections' homepage).

Finally ... the two speaker's dinner were great. The first with all the speakers and the second with those who could affort to stay in Milan after the event.

During the second dinner we've had the honor to have with us once again Franziska Tanner and Mary Beth Raven our two international speakers !!!

My favourite quote from Mary Beth twitter is:

" ... #Lotusknows that #dominopointday has the best free lunch
of any LUG ever! Stuff, fried olives- yum! ..."

The best italian technology: GREAT FOOD

Thanks to everybody for the time spent preparing for Dominopoint Day, for the time spent with the audience...

See you soon (next stop is LotusSphere) and thank you again.

Comments (3)
Daniele Vistalli November 15th, 2009 12:31:20