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Quickr 8.1 is out, the first fixes appeared already, and with Notes 8.0.1 the integration should be almost perfect.

Just after the release of Notes 8.0.1
Christian from DominoBaloney noted the new button in the notes mail template.

@DbCommand("qkr":"NoCache"; "SaveAttachmnets"; "[noteid]"; "[servername]" : "[dbname]"; "1"; "1"; "0");

Tim Parsons commented that it would begin to work once the new quicrk 8.1 connector would ship.

Now we have Notes 8.0.1 AND the quickr connector 8.1.

Also checking in the client notes.ini configuration you find out that something new has been hooked in




The NSF_HOOKS expecially appears to be the database driver that should provide support for the @DbCommand("qkr") database service.

But still it doesnt work.

Anybody has had different experience, any documentation about the syntax for the command ?

This could eventually allow to "qkr" enable other applications.

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Daniele Vistalli April 5th, 2008 08:18:43