Ilug 2008 is around the corner, all the people bleeding Yellow are getting ready for this HUGE event that the great ILUG team has been building over the last few months.
But this year I'm a lucky attendee. I'll be giving a presentation on Websphere Portal, what it really does (have you ever read an IBM brochure ?) and how it augment the domino experience. When to use it and when not to.
I hope to be good enough given the experience of other speakers up there but I can just say ... Come and see portal under a new light.
I hope to see you there.
If you are lucky enoguh to be in Dublin the day before ILUG and want to spend some time learning about connections. Come to Connectr #4 (more information here) and see what a social network platform can do for you.
I'll be there with my friend Neil Burston and we'll present some experiences from our Connections 2.0 beta testing.
See you there too.
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Daniele Vistalli May 26th, 2008 19:08:27