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Ok, as mentioned I got to know cloud computing with EC2 on Saturday.

I'm a bit thrilled about the amount of ideas moving around in my head.

My basic portal is setup and I've begun to customize it with standard and non-standard techniques. As soon as possible I'll open it up for people to come in and review so we all get better understanding about how the new (coming) computing model can be used for development, prototyping and sales.

In the meantime here's a glimps of the current login page (everybody loves images)

Image:Building my portal in the clouds

What I've now in the works is:
  • Security: I WANT https before opening to the masses (it's mad how many are ignoring the importance of HTTPS for any site that allows authentication, se my old article on the topic)
  • LDAP Integration: The IBM AMI (Amazon Machine Instance) comes with a DB2 based user repository and the portal is setup to use registry federation. I'm going to add my own LDAP server (over LDAPs) to the list so I can give my registered users immediate access to the portal.
  • A new registration process: The current user signup portlet is very basic and allows everybody in with just a few data. I want to change the process, maybe using a new portlet built with portlet factory

And finally ...
  • Scenarios: this is the most interesting part. User fails to get what portal can do because it's rare they face a working sample showing how portal can solve their real problems with the "scenarios" idea I wanto to demonstrate the usage of portal for different problem-solutions patterns.

Maybe you noticed I didn't talk about WCM... there are a number of reasons for this. I'll definitely go into this direction too but only after I've tamed the beast (WCM) in the way I like (I'll post as I move on).

For the time being... "long life to the cloud"

Comments (1)
Daniele Vistalli February 17th, 2009 06:50:29

1) happy to contribute
Kam Cheung 02/17/2009 8:26:50


I am happy to help if you need an extra pair of hands to populate content.

I haven't any experience with skinning portals, but I help with portlets to surface domino data and dash boardy stuff.


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